Searching and buying tickets for trains and buses from Ulaanbaatar to Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk


45-seater shuttle buses for 'Ulan Bator → Ulan-Ude' route depart from the bus station 'Dragon' daily at 07:30 in the morning and arrive around 22:00 hours local time.


Trains 'Ulaanbaatar → Ulan-Ude → Irkutsk' depart on Saturdays and Sundays at 15:20 and arrive the next day at 06:40 and 15:15 local time, respectively.

Due to the rules of the railway authorities of both countries, travelers can search and purchase tickets for trains that travel exclusively FROM the territory of the countries in which they are currently located. That is, travelers who are currently in Mongolia can only search for trains that depart from Mongolia and vice versa.

Therefore, we can order tickets for trains and buses only that depart from Ulaanbaatar to Ulan-Ude and/or Irkutsk.

We will help you with finding tickets, as well as with booking.

Fill out the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

***UPDATE: We have temporarily stopped receving bookings for buses and trains. 

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